How to Create Good Video Game Script | Full Guide

Read our full guide of video game script if you are going to create stuff like this. 

Words give your game context and give the idea more life. They are essential to helping the players comprehend the game’s theme. The correct terms can improve the user experience in the game, even though this may seem unlikely.

The question is, how do you write a video game script? The script, created by a scriptwriter who must adhere to the guidelines for creating video game scripts, is where the words from the game originate. A gaming script, however, consists of more than just the text that players view on their screens. This blog will give you a sufficient understanding of writing a game script.

What Distinguishes a Video Game Script?

Writing for video games differs from writing for film, though. The fundamental nature of video game concepts accounts for the discrepancy.

The universes created by contemporary video games are essentially distinct from the real world in that they are subject to different “laws of nature” than the real one. Your game script will tell the player about your game world.

Dissecting a Video Game Script

Taking the game script as a whole and treating it as “one thing” that has to be completed would only lead to failure.

Plot, characters, and lore make up the three sections of a game’s script. Plan and decide which section will be the main focus of your game script before you sit down to create it.

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The Trilateral Foundations

The three pillars that support a script must be understood in how to write scripts for video games. You have the bare minimum when you know these and their significance.


Plots can be found in every video game script sample you locate online. The way each game’s story sequence plays out is, in essence, the plot. Some people think that the plot must be the most significant component of the game script, which may be the case if the plot drives most of the game script.


Writing characters is a test of a writer’s creativity, as authors are responsible for crafting backstories for every character featured in a game, as well as detailing their personalities within the narrative.

As a skilled game scriptwriter, your primary aim should be for your audience to relate to the characters in your script. Therefore, avoid generic heroes and villains; doing so might result in a dull game script with character-driven plotlines.

To create characters your readers can relate to and fall for, give them depth and relatability.


Lore is one of the cornerstones of game authoring. Your “world” of your game is defined by this concept, predating all characters. Your lore establishes both time and space for your game – it allows you to craft narratives based on historical periods as well as mythology or history for it all to play out within its pages.

Your game will become more engaging if its lore is richer. Not only will this allow for experimentation within your world of play, but rich lore can also assist with level design.

Other Elements: 


Dialogue refers to the words that the characters in your game say. Be sure to write this section in a clear, concise manner. Because every character in your game will have a distinct way of speaking, the conversation should be created with that in mind, considering the character’s preferred mode of expression.

Additionally, there will inevitably be some barks in dialogue writing, and you should take them seriously. Barks: what are they? You may inquire. Character outbursts that are used in response to situations. Barks enhance the game’s theme and set the mood. They need to be worded carefully.


The user will not perform every scene in your screenplay; the player will not engage with the script in its entirety. Instead, your script has sections that the user just observes. We refer to these sections as cutscenes.

Cutscenes are a fantastic method to explain the plot of your game and provide a certain amount of background. Usually, they are added when the player advances to a position that needs context or starts a new level.

Guidelines for Writing Video Game Scripts

  • Recognize the various parts of the game script.
  • Take a new perspective on every section of the game script.
  • Choose and master one of your game’s three pillars that will be the central theme of the storyline.
  • Think long term: the story of your game script should have enough complexity to allow you to write sequels quickly.
  • Talk in brief.

Software for Writing Video Games

Authoring a game script does not require game authoring software. Just launch Microsoft Word, then begin writing your game script.

However, you can use game writing software, like Inklewriter, if you require specialized tools to assist with game writing.


Now that you have a basic understanding of game script authoring, you may have discovered it’s more challenging than it seems. Writing a solid game script involves many steps. To obtain a sense of the game script and educate your mind to think like a game script writer, we thus recommend that you view some excellent samples of video game scripts. For further information, you can also watch videos and look for mentoring from seasoned authors.

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