What Does an SEO Strategist Do? Duty Salary & More!!!

SEO Strategist is an responsible person who creates and execute strategies to rank a website. Their responsibilities include keyword research, on page SEO, off page SEO, and technical part of website. The main aim of SEO strategist is to boost the authority of website.

Moreover, SEO specialists and Strategists perform many duties for businesses. They may work remotely or on-site. SEO freelancers and strategists might also assist in digital marketing projects like managing social media accounts or creating SEO content strategists. In this article, we are going to discuss SEO specialist’s duties, salary and many other things. So, let’s begin!

Who is an SEO Strategist?

An SEO strategist (also referred to as an SEO executive) specializes in digital marketing. However, their specialty lies in creating SEO content strategies and evaluating Search Engine Marketing (SEM) programs.

SEO specialists utilize technologies such as Google Analytics to assess a website’s performance. They seek information about their traffic source to devise a plan to increase their position within search engine results.

An SEO expert often works with developers, graphic designers, content producers, and other marketing experts to develop and use strategies to increase organic traffic to the website of their client.

What things are done by an SEO specialist?

The job of an SEO manager is to enhance the website’s or the organization’s audience. These are a few of the tasks an SEO manager performs.

1. Keyword research

Keyword research is a conscious element of SEO strategy. When users type words or phrases into search engines to find products, services, or general information, keeping an eye on those terms is helpful as they become increasingly applicable to businesses and organizations. SEO specialists play a pivotal role in determining which are the most popular for each client-based company or organization they serve.

An SEO strategist does keyword research for the company’s website. They determine which keywords the company should target with its SEO content strategist when doing the keyword research.

2. On-page and technical SEO

Technical SEO ensures the website satisfies contemporary search engines’ technical specifications with the express intent of raising organic ranking. Essential components of technical SEO include website architecture, indexing, crawling, and rendering. Technical SEO enhances a website’s technical design and increases its usability for search engine crawlers and people.

The task of boosting website traffic through technical and on-page SEO falls to an SEO strategist. An SEO expert performs on-page SEO to increase search engine traffic. Optimizing a webpage specifically around a few keywords is known as on-page SEO. The SEO expert uses both technical and on-page SEO to improve real search traffic.

3. Analyzing Data

An SEO strategist analyzes data to generate insights that help in decision-making. To help extract insights, it is the process of modeling, gathering, and analyzing data. Depending on the sector and the study’s goal, numerous approaches and strategies are utilized to analyze data.

To determine which search terms or web pages are bringing in the most traffic, revenue, and leads for their clients, SEO executives examine online traffic data from sources such as Google Analytics. To maximize the impact of their optimization efforts and make data-driven judgments about keyword targeting, SEO managers might benefit from data analysis.

SEO Strategist Duties / Requirements

SEO strategists often handle a variety of tasks, some of which may be as follows:

  • Analyzing analytics data to find areas where organic search performance might be enhanced
  • Producing SEO content strategists, such as blogs, infographics, or ebooks, to help spread brand awareness or increase website traffic.
  • researching keywords to find the terms most pertinent to a client’s industry
  • Taking care of social media profiles, which includes answering followers’ queries and changing material
  • , carrying out competition analysis to find ways to enhance organic search results
  • Check the SEO rank of the website and make a good suggestion for its enhancement, providing good plans for the SEO plan to improve its rank on Google search engine results
  • I am collaborating with bloggers to carry out link-building initiatives.

SEO Specialist Salary

The company’s size and rank are responsible for the salary of an SEO person, years of experience, and educational background. They also receive commissions or rewards in addition to their base pay.

The annual wage is $66,500 ($31.97/hour).

$122,000 is the top 10% earning annually, or $58.65 is an hour average.

In the coming 10 years, the need for SEO specialists is expected to increase more faster than usual.

The continued growth of online advertisement and e-commerce will lead to the need for SEO persons. Search engines like Google and Bing will continue to be more critical in connecting customers with businesses as many people shop online.

SEO Strategist Skills 

To succeed, SEO specialists or strategists must have the following abilities:

Technical aptitude: 

SEO strategists use their technical expertise to analyze and comprehend data, including user, search engine, and website statistics. To develop and carry out SEO strategies, they also need technical abilities, such as familiarity with SEO tools and software.

Selling abilities: 

Due to their frequent collaboration with marketing teams to create plans for their companies, SEO strategists frequently possess marketing expertise. Advertising, sales, and other marketing methods are examples of marketing abilities. Having marketing expertise can facilitate your understanding of how to develop successful SEO methods that support business expansion.

Business development: 

To help businesses improve their search engine results, SEO experts frequently collaborate with them to create plans. This often entails collaborating with marketing departments to develop plans for increasing company website traffic. This can involve creating fresh material, enhancing a website’s aesthetic, or formulating a plan to gain social media followers. 

Communication abilities: 

SEO strategists interact with customers, other SEO experts, and other marketing team members. They converse with those who construct websites as well as those who write material for websites. A strategist with solid communication skills can effectively and succinctly communicate concepts and information. They can promote cooperation and settle disputes by using their communication abilities.

Analysis skills: 

Analytical skills include the capacity to dissect data and identify trends. To investigate and comprehend search engine algorithms and how they impact website results, SEO specialists employ analytical skills. To identify areas for improvement, they also examine website data using analytical skills.

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SEO Strategist Job Requirements

Generally speaking, an SEO executive needs the following credentials:


A degree in marketing, communications, or a similar discipline is the basic requirement of the company. In place of a degree, some companies can combine education and experience.

Search engine optimization, SEO content strategist,  content marketing, and social media marketing courses might benefit SEO specialists.

Credentials and Licensure:

 Although they are generally not necessary, certificates help applicants show their knowledge and drive for the position of SEO strategist.

Education and Experience: 

Most SEO strategists learn their craft on the job. They may pick up the methods and approaches used by the business they work for by collaborating closely with other SEO experts. They might also become more knowledgeable about the company’s offerings to enhance the quality of their content. Also, they work as SEO freelancers to showcase their skills and practice with real clients.

Conferences and seminars are another kind of training available to SEO executives. SEO specialists can network with other industry experts and learn about the newest SEO trends at conferences.

Trends in SEO Strategist

These three developments have an impact on how SEO executives operate. To stay competitive in the job and keep their skills current, SEO specialists will need to be up-to-date on these advances.

Greater Attention to User Experience

As users are very much involved in the use of technology these days they are becoming increasingly demanding users experience. This implies that, for firms to remain competitive, they must concentrate on offering a better user experience.

By looking at aspects such as website design, content, and usage, SEO specialists can contribute to improving the user’s experience. Additionally, they can assist companies in learning how to use data to enhance the user experience gradually.

The Growth of digital marketing 

The growth of digital marketing for SEO strategists, who manage the SEO of a website, has grown due to the expansion of digital marketing. 

SEO executives will be in increasing demand as more companies shift their advertising campaigns online. These experts will be required to assist businesses with social media campaign creation, management, and website optimization for search engines such as Google and Being. 

A strong focus on content marketing 

Content marketing is becoming increasingly difficult for companies trying to expand their businesses. By creating content relevant to their target audience and of excellent quality, businesses may establish credibility and confidence with prospective clients.

SEO strategists can play a significant part in content marketing by assisting in creating exciting and educational material. Additionally, they can aid in promoting content via various platforms, including search engines and social media.

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In conclusion, SEO strategists are like secret superstars in any business to make it shine online. They are like the secret behind a company’s success in the digital world. The job of an SEO executive has mixed tasks. They research particular words and keep an eye on online trends. Additionally, they should ensure a company’s website is search-friendly. They are like traffic directors for the internet. 


Q1. How is SEO a good career?

Today, SEO is one of the most demanding jobs in digital marketing, it’s a great choice for a career. Many businesses use SEO specialists worldwide to create higher-quality content and, thus, generate more leads for their businesses.

Q2. How do I become an SEO strategist?

There is no right approach to becoming an SEO specialist, even though many ways exist. Although it’s not a hard-and-fast rule, many SEO professionals started in traditional marketing roles before focusing only on SEO. To become an SEO specialist, you do not need any particular background experience. People frequently fill jobs in SEO with backgrounds in business, IT, marketing, and communications, among other disciplines.

Q3: Is SEO an in-demand skill?

Since many industry occupations are predicted to grow above average by 2029, it is more important than ever for aspiring digital marketers to possess a solid foundation in appropriate skills. The following list of the top 5 digital marketing abilities in demand in 2023: Optimizing for Search Engines (SEO).

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