How to Make Money From Blogging | Pro Tips

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Numerous people are peculiar about how to monetize their blogs and make money from blogging 2022. If you’re among those who are peculiar about how to make money online, blogging is a great thing to start. 

Make money from blogging | Pro Tips

  1. Identify your blogging niche.
  2. Write the content.
  3. Put some attractive images.
  4. Add a video.
  5. Find SEO-friendly keywords.
  6. Use WordPress for creating a blog.
  7. Choose a Traffic Source.

Let’s discuss these steps in detail:

Identify your blogging niche.

You must identify your blogging niche. “Niche” means a topic for which you must write a blog. There are many trending niches you can write on and rank your blog in days. Let’s have a look at popular niches:

  • Health
  • Sports
  • Showbiz
  • Freelancing
  • Crypto
  • Business

You can write a good blog about these popular topics and earn $ 2000$ per month.

Write the content 

make money from blogging 2022

Write content for your blog, but ensure it is original and plagiarism-free. Good content is the key to success for your blog. Search on Google according to your niche or keywords; many websites write on a particular topic. Take an idea from your competitors. Analyze your competitors and how they represent party specifics. Write the content your competitor needs to discuss a relevant topic and cover all the missing points your competitors have missed. There are some parameters to declare a blog.

Read more about Blogging Career and ChatGPT

Put some attractive images. 

Put some attractive images on your blog. Search for royalty-free images from stock websites like Search relevant photos for your blog and optimize images. For image optimization, there are three most important steps you must follow.

  • Make custom size of your images. The custom size for most blog images is 550×325
  • Save the image name as per your keyword. Put your keyword as your image name. It will also be done best SEO for your images.
  • Save the image in JPG format. It will quickly load on your website.

Add a video.

Add a video to sport your blog. The video makes a decent look on your blog. It engages more readers to visit your site. It can also promote and grow your YouTube channel.

Find SEO-friendly keywords

Find SEO-friendly keywords and put them in your content. This is the whole game of keywords to rank your content/blog on Google. Choosing suitable, rankable keywords with high search volume will easily rank your blog and increase organic traffic from Google. 

how to find bloggers, how to be a blog writer, bloggers lifestyle

Many tools help you find good keywords, like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Semrush, and many more. While some of these tools are free, the majority are not. You should buy a tool, and you will get more opportunities to analyze your competitors and their keywords to get rank. 

Use WordPress for creating a blog. 

Use the most popular site builder, WordPress, for crtoicreateg. WordPress is the most popular CMS(content management system) for building a drag-drop website or a blog. Many other CMSs exist, such as and, but WordPress gives you more features than other CMSs. YCMSshave to buy a hosting plan and a domain for your website, then customize your website with thousands of free themes stored in WordPress, apply the theme, and publish your content there. 

If you need to gain experience using WordPress to create a blog, you can hire a freelancer or a blogger to start a blog. How do you find bloggers? The fact that they are available on Fiverr, Upwork, and numerous other freelance marketplaces is the answer. 

Choose a Traffic source. 

Publish your blog and also share it on different social media platforms. Sharing your blog on various social media platforms is one of the most critical parts of getting organic traffic for your blog. Make a Facebook page, an Instagram business account, a LinkedIn profile, a Reddit account, a Twitter account, a Pinterest account, and other platforms where you think you will get more traffic and share your blog post; there will have attractive images and titles so people will indeed click on your given link and they will land on your blog.

There are 7 other ways to make money blogging.

There are seven other ways to make money blogging.

  1. Workshops and online courses
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. e-Books and books
  4. Advertising 
  5. Speaking Gigs
  6. Coaching/ Consulting
  7. Selling services as a freelancer 

We will show you a general framework for starting a profitable blog from scratch in a few seconds.  Let’s jump into the specifics of making deep-pocket blogging, including real-world exemplars from which you can study and learn. 

Here are seven unique ways to make money blogging.

Workshops and online courses

We build most of our financial gain from workshops and online courses at the excellent blogger. Over $1 million each year. But we still need to be a successful blog doing this. Most people make a lot of money from their blogs and also do it through their online courses. 

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best options to create a handsome amount from your blog. Recommending any company’s services, digital products, and physical products in exchange for a commission. 

You can earn over $100,000 annually by promoting product affiliates at the Intelligent Blogger.

E-books and book

Several writers have parlayed their blogging success into a major publishing deal. Mark Manson, for case, published a blog post called The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck in 2015. Millions of companies later, he got a book deal with Harper Collins and went on to vend over clones in the US alone. 


Typically, we’re no longer large lovers of promoting advertisements for your web page as a monetization strategy. You want more or less one million site visitors consistently within 12 months for the substantial advert networks to take you seriously, and associate advertising and marketing are nearly continually more outstanding, worthwhile, and simply passive.

That being said, a few niches like recipes, fashion, and information are difficult to monetize via some of the different techniques noted here, and they get LOTS of web page views. Setting banner advertisements for your web page could make it feel like a supplementary profit source.

Gigs Speaking 

If your blog takes off, and also you begin being identified as an expert on your space, you are probably amazed by the aid of using what number of invites you get to talk at conferences. And it’s amazingly profitable. I generally make at least $10,000 in line with speech, which could pass as excessively as $100,000 when you count the product income attributable to the speech.

Not awful for a 60-ninety-minute talk. 🙂

Coaching/ Consulting

While this truly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, doing a chunk of training or consulting is a web activity that could earn you a pretty exceptional living, even if your target market is small.

In coaching or consulting, you can also get inspired by BloggeBloggers’ style. 

Selling services as a freelancer. 

The subsequent step up from consulting is to do it for them.

Typically, you’ll make extra cash freelancing than with something else. However, it’s additionally the most expensive and time-intensive. That being said, I’ve visibleness made six-discern earnings without a range of thousands of readers on their weblog, basically using their weblog as a lead mechanism to get clients.

It’s so profitable, even supposing a hit blogger maintains to do it.

If you’re a content writer, designer, photographer, programmer, or carrier issuer, your competencies may be offered digitally rather than in person. In that case, you may need to remember this earnings circulation from day one. All you want to get commenced is a touch shape for customers to contact you.

What works best for astonishing blog viewership?

4Ws and 1H weigh in closely while growing a weblog post if the identity inculcates the mystical 4Ws, which might be What, Where, When, Why, and one H, this is How, there is a great danger in humans studying your weblog post.

Many humans use Google to find solutions to their questions. By presenting them an answer, you’re giving yourself a truthful danger of no longer being most effective in getting listed on Google but also for posts to go viral.

I’ve observed after I use titles such as “How I made cash freelancing in 2020?” The viewership is exponentially better than using the identify “Make cash freelancing in 2022”. People need solutions, and you’re supplying yourself to be valued by assisting them in getting one via an outstanding weblog post title.

How to make it profitable?

You can make top cash running a blog if there is a great target market reading and sharing your content material. Also, if the weblog content is ranked on fundamental search engines, natural site visitors start to examine your post, resulting in greater engagement.

Remember, the better the viewership, the extra cash you may make. One manner of kick-beginning your weblog readership is sharing the content material on one-of-a-kind social media accounts.

Looking closely, I have inserted social media sharing icons on my weblog so readers cannot proportion the content material on one-of-a-kind social media platforms without problems.

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