How to Find High Paying Clients?

So, you have decided to take your 1st steps into freelancing, and want to know how to find high paying clients? That’s great! We will share with you what is perhaps an essential aspect of becoming a freelancer.

Generating a dependable stream of clients is one of the biggest challenges freelancers face. I have seen the same queries repeated online time and time:  “How to get website design and development clients, “freelance content writing clients, “and so on.

It’s crucial to know how to catch freelance work because, let’s be truthful, without freelance clients, you won’t be doing any freelancing. But do not stress. With a little know-how, conclusion freelance clients can quickly become a worry of the past.

In this article, we will tell you, as a freelancer, how to get clients quickly – from where to find them and how to set yourself up for long-term success.

Where do you OR How to find High Paying clients?

find high paying clients
  • Freelancing websites 
  • People you know (aka your network)
  • Social media
  • Networking events
  • Local businesses

Freelance platforms offer a secure and simple way to find high paying clients.

Every platform works a little differently, but they all serve the determination of helping freelancers to find jobs, whether by helping clients find you, helping you find clients or both of you.

Here are some platforms which are great to find high paying clients.

  • FlexJojbs
  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • Toptal
  • SolidGigs
  • People you know
  • Social Media
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • Networking events
  • local business

Flex Jobs

With over 50,000 job chances, Flex Jobs is a great place for freelancers to find clients in their position fast. They are my preferred freelance site because you won’t run into scams there.

The unfortunate reality is that freelancers have to carefully strong out cheat opportunities, both online and in-person. But Flex Jobs hand-screens, on their site, every job to confirm no scams and no spam.

They are a paid, best service that matches freelancers with guaranteed, legitimate, valuable clients.


As one of the major freelancing platforms, Upwork is a great place to start finding secure networks right away. There is a near-endless quantity of opportunities available for trainee and expert freelancers both. If you are worried about how to find high paying clients, Upwork will help out you.

And you get to set your rate. But remember that their high approval also means high opposition, so it’s necessary to stand out to win customers.


 One of Fiverr’s world’s largest freelance marketplaces boasts around 60 million monthly users. If you are looking for the answer of how to get find high paying clients, Fiverr is best place to answer this. It’s a fantastic setting for creative individuals to start making money from what they’re skilled at or enjoy doing. You may set up a free service and be ready to accept new customers in minutes.


If you are already skilful in your ground but want to find freelance clients, Toptal strength be a great option for you.

Toptal works to pair the top 5% of freelancers with profitable clients. Because of the leading nature of their site, you will have to go through a difficult approval process. But after you are in, you will be talented to work with big-name clients like Gucci, Udemy, and Shopify, here you can get more high paying clients.


SolidGigs is an additional favourite of mine. With this platform, freelancers can hang back and relax, and they will find the best chances for you. On the search for new clients, this is about as good as it grows for freelancers.

Not only do you save time with their facility, but you will also be provided with training to recover the skills essential to win clients. Like the other sites registered (and almost all freelancing sites), SolidGigs comes at a price. But pretty than convoluted charges, they have a straightforward payment plan.

Freelancing sites are a boundless option to get tons of new job leads regardless of your skill level.

People you know

You can also find high paying clients by starting dispersion the word about your freelance services to any domestic friends, family, former classmates, or professional connections you have—you’d be surprised what small word-of-mouth can do for your freelancing industry. 

Rendering to Edelman and Upwork, the popular freelancers find work through their friends and family.

They previously know you, which adds a crucial confidence factor. People can hire someone personally connected or suggested to them when they want a service.

Once you start distribution with your current network, your communication will inevitably expand into their networks, awarding you more opportunities.

Social media

Do not overlook the worth of social media when searching for clients. Your possible clients are likely already on one or more platforms, providing a free and easy way to reach them.

It’s also a great way to see and connect with other freelancers in together your field and related fields who could mention clients to you or add you to one of their projects.

Let’s complete the social media networks you can use to improve your improvement. 


And you can as a site made around making professional connections, LinkedIn is a countless tool to find customers regardless of your field.

You can fill out a professional profile (which can serve as a resume), compelling post models and case studies of your work, and shape a solid network that can speedily turn into new leads.

It’s a good impression to take their skills tests and optimise your freelancer profile so buyers can easily find you.

Further, establish trust with potential clients by receiving talent endorsements and references from past clients or colleagues.


Twitter is another supportive tool for freelancers to attract new clients.

You can use the platform to share valuable tips, information, and business news to establish authority in your field.

It’s also a great place to start networking with companies you are interested in freelancing for.

Keep your profile skilled with your portfolio and contact info linked. The greater your professional attendance online, the more you can get in visible of new clients who need your services.


Since Instagram is primarily a graphic channel, it’s an amazing place for graphic artists and designers to showcase their talents.

To request Instagram’s algorithm, post regularly and research hashtags to reach more people.

You can also easily use the app to connect with other freelancers and reach out to products, companies and agencies looking to hire someone with your creativity and skillset.

How to find High Paying Clients From Reddit?

While Reddit works a little differently than the other social media platforms declared and is typically anonymous, it’s still a very helpful resource for getting freelance work.

Here are specific subreddits (forums within site) you can follow to find freelance clients:

  • r/hireawriter
  • r/forhire
  • r/gamedevclassifieds
  • r/freelance_forhire
  • r/remotework
  • r/workonline
  • r/business
  • r/entrepreneur
  • r/jobbitr/freelance

These small communities have hundreds to thousands of followers—each with its uses and rules. It’s extremely easy to join them and start interacting.

You can use certain opportunities by creating invaluable posts that induce people to reach out to you. On others, you can look through engagement listings and send direct conversations to apply.

Networking events

The human component of in-person networking events makes creating a long-term positive impression with a potential buyer significantly easier than online.

Search Google for networking events in your country or city, check out social media groups, and look at apps like Meet up and Event rite. Depending on the size of your country or city, there are definite to be some (or a ton) of events.

 These are great to benefit from to make genuine connections in your industry, opening doors to new jobs.

Local businesses

Another unlimited place to catch freelance clients is local businesses.

Make networks in your community — see what difficulties they are currently facing and put together a tailored suggestion on how your services can help, and here you will get high paying clients.

You never know, your limited bar might need new menus designed, or your dentist may need better SEO for their site.

 You will face significantly minor competition (perhaps even no competition) reaching out to limited businesses over talking to potential clients online.

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