Blogging | Things to Keep in Mind Before Start!

In past years, Blogging was just like an online diary where people shared their thoughts. But now, things have changed a lot. Blogging has become a real job, mixing creativity with the online world. Before this time, it was just one person writing their thoughts. It is like a giant digital party with many different voices telling stories. 

However, this change is about more than just technology. It is like a significant cultural shift. Blogging has turned into a job where people can be creative. Also, they can express themselves in new and exciting ways. Moreover, this article will discuss how to start a successful blogging journey. So keep reading. 

Choose a Domain Name for Blogging Site

Domain Name

The first step is to get a domain name before you create an excellent blog or website for Blogging. Think of it like your website’s address. It is the name people type to find your website. Your domain name is like the headquarters for everything you want to share. The best domain names are different from the funny or flashy ones. They are the ones that stick in the minds of people. A good domain also helps Google understand what your blog is all about. For instance, “The Digital Pro” works better for a freelancing blog than “sawasdfromsiam”. 

However, the second one might be clever and relate to a local language, but it is tricky for people to remember and spell. Plus, it needs to give a clue about what the website is actually about. If you go through Bluehost, GoDaddy, or Hostinger, you can snag your perfect domain name and use their web hosting services to get your blog up and running. 

Choose a Web Host

Choosing the right web hosting is very important when starting Blogging. Because it is where all your website files live. While free hosting might be tempting for beginners, there are better choices than this one. In the long run, it can cost you more money and time.

Different hosting plans require different needs and budgets, such as managed hosting, VPS, and shared hosting. However, you can read reviews of various hosting companies to compare their performance. Support is crucial, especially for beginners. Ensure there are options for getting help when you need it. 

Choose a WordPress Theme

In this step, when starting a blogging journey, choosing a suitable theme is essential. Your theme is like your website’s overall look, feel, and style. It covers things such as colour schemes, layout, and stylistic elements. Essentially, your website theme directly reflects your brand and significantly influences how users experience your site. 

Moreover, selecting the right one for your blog can be overwhelming, with many available themes. But WordPress has a useful filter to streamline your search. The theme filter feature lets you narrow your choice based on criteria like focus, layout, and other essential design elements. Once you have chosen the perfect theme for your blog, start customizing it to make it uniquely yours and stand out.

Design Tips for Customization

When enhancing your blog’s functionality with various WordPress plugins for Blogging, it is essential to follow some straightforward design principles that will pay off in the long run of Blogging. 

Increase White Space to Reduce Clutter

We’ve come a long way since the early days of web design with flashing buttons and overcrowded websites. No longer should your website create distractions from its essence – the key to keeping people focused on what you have to say in Blogging is by including some white space within it.

White spaces are empty areas around texts and images on websites that make their designs fresh, simple, and effective. By choosing this design choice for your site, your audience can engage with your content without being distracted by unnecessary distractions.

Don’t Use Stock Photos

The truth is, relying on stock photos does not do your blog any favours. While including additional media in your posts is tempting, using someone else’s pictures does not make your blogging journey stand out.

If you have the funds or skills, incorporating professionally-taken photos is the optimal choice, even though it can get costly. Fortunately, your phone is powerful enough to capture images that complement your blog posts perfectly. This is a fantastic solution, especially when you’re just starting to figure out how to begin a blog and what to post.

Check more details on >>> How to Make Money from Blogging.

Consistency with Icons

Details matter. While your regular blog visitor might not consciously notice if you’ve sourced your social icons from different places, subconsciously, it affects how professional they perceive your blogging journey to be.

Ensure all icons share the same design and font to create a unified look. Also, maintain consistency in the fonts across your entire website, with only a few exceptions. This attention to detail enhances the overall aesthetic and professionalism of your blog.

Strong Colors 

However, you will want to rely heavily on the white galaxy; they should be highly opposing when you use colors. A well-structured blog makes it easier for everyone to read, use, read, and share. Moreover, by using different color schemes, you can boost readability and retention.

Don’t Go Crazy with Design

You will be responsible to use many basic design conventions when making decisions on how to start a blog. You do not want to brand your website so eccentric and original that it falls short of the basic functional expectations of a user.

Plenty of room remains to be imaginative within these basic web design parameters. But when you recognize what is happening, you may work best within “the box” instead of thinking outside.

 Some standard blog conventions to type use include in Blogging:

  • Headers 
  • Footers
  •  Search bars
  •  Sidebars
  •  Social media shares
  •  Author attribution
  •  Subscription options

Create Content

Now, it’s finally time to share content!

No matter your blog, there will be blogs already out there. They won’t have your voice, but they will likely tackle similar topics and target similar audiences.

Given this, you need to create exclusive, influential content that grabs readers’ attention and keeps them returning for more.

Here are a few steps that will help your blog stand out in its niche: for instance, being original is key! Here are a few more ways that will set it apart: for example, don’t underestimate how valuable links can be when marketing.

Develop captivating headlines to grab their attention and encourage them to click.

Focus on making introductions that are intriguing in order to engage your readers and keep them reading. Use eye-catching headlines and interesting introductions in order to keep their reading.

Offer advice that could get them back again.

Sub-headers and bullet points make scanning easier.

Search Engine Optimization

Now that you have an attractive blog with killer content hosted on a top-flight service, you want people to find it. This is especially true if you do not plan on spending any money marketing your blog with paid ads.

This means that it’s vital that you implement an SEO policy in blogging practice. SEO is a shortening that stands for search engine optimization — it prevents your blog from showing up when your target audience searches for important topics online.

The Black Box of SEO

Google and other search engines want bloggers and vendors to refrain from using the system in Blogging. The zone of a search engine is to provide the best, most relevant content for any given query to a user. If the firms explained precisely how they did this, marketers would exploit weaknesses in the scheme and undercut the search engine’s primary service goal. To the best piece of information of anyone who isn’t part of making Google’s algorithm, here is more than 200 search ranking signals. As Google trusts more heavily on artificial intelligence and device learning, some of these signals are becoming more dynamic.

When you are just trying to shave your head around how to start a blog, this all might sound like a share to keep track of. However,you have no need to get worried about it. Despite the difficulty of SEO as a whole, for starting your 1st blog, there are a few key pieces to understand and implement.

Powerful and Core Steps of SEO

Despite the close daily changes in Google’s search algorithm and regular renovations, the core tenants remain mostly the same. The base has always been quality content. To help Google finding your blog, you definitely have need to focus on your SEO efforts on three areas: 


  • Backlinks 
  • Website technical structure
  •  SEO-Friendly Content

The best practice to make your blog content SEO-friendly is by using relevant keywords. Keywords are single words or phrases likely to be composed in queries relevant to your blog post.

 Long absences are the days you would want to awkwardly stuff a keyword into your writing as much as possible. If you can work more than one keyword into a 1000-word of a blog post a few times, you have done a great job!

You will want to do keyword research to certify that you are targeting the right keywords in your posts. There are countless tools to support you in doing this (some are free). One of the best-paid tools for SEO is Ahrefs. Long-tail keywords contain multiple words and, as a result, represent more exact search queries — and capable search traffic.

When developing long-tail keywords, use some of Google’s search topographies to help flesh out your use of related keywords and potential subheadings. For example, use Google Autocomplete when typing in your keyword to see prevalent differences in the search. 

Building with Backlinks

A backlink is mostly a clickable portion of text on a website that receives a viewer to your website. The more backlinks your website has, the better. This is because search engines adopt that other entities would only link to your website with your site’s value. Ideally, you will get backlinks to your blog from websites that Google identifies as having a specialist in your niche.


In conclusion, Blogging is a very high-paying skill. However, launching and maintaining a successful blog involves carefully considering various elements.

From selecting an ideal domain name to designing an intuitive user experience, professional assistance could help ensure a successful outcome.

Selecting a theme that complements your brand and prioritizing white space are two keys to designing an engaging, user-friendly website.

Capturing original images using your phone, if necessary, adds a personal touch that distinguishes it from others using stock photos alone. Consistency across design elements such as fonts and icons show professionalism while improving user experience overall.

Whether it be SEO optimization or content writing services, don’t hesitate to reach out the Digital Pro team for help. Their experience will elevate the visibility and quality of your blog’s online presence; you can rely on us for tailor-made solutions designed specifically to boost its performance and reach.


Q1. How can I select a domain name for my blog?

Selecting an effective domain name involves considering your blogging niche, making it memorable and reflecting your brand. Also important is achieving simplicity and clarity while avoiding complex or hard-to-spell names – tools like Bluehost can assist in finding available and fitting domain names for you blog.

Q2. What hosting provider is recommended for beginners?

Bluehost is the official WordPress recommendation for those just getting started with blogging, providing user-friendly interfaces and reliable support as well as various hosting plans tailored specifically to different needs.

Q3. Why does white space play such an important part in blog design?

White space (or negative space) in blog design is essential to reader and user experiences, reducing distractions from your content and providing a clean and professional appearance that makes your blog more inviting for its target audience. Adequate white space creates an inviting and welcoming environment where readers can come back for more.

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