How to write SEO friendly blog posts 2024

If you make a blog, then possibly you want people to find and search your posts. Writing SEO friendly blog posts could be helpful in showing your results higher in search engines and make it easier for the audience to find your posts and site.  SEO or search engine optimization can prove helpful for your content so search engines like google can easily understand and rank it better. Here’s a complete guide to write content for both readers and search engines and also optimize for search engines.

SEO friendly blog posts

Know your audience and keywords

Find people to write for

Before starting to write a blog post, first of all you have to find your audience, then you have to find their interest. What solutions are needed for their problems and how do you prove helpful for them?

Knowing your audience helps you to create content or blog that is more relevant to reader’s interest.

Find keywords relevant to your SEO friendly blog posts

Keywords are those that people enter into the search box to find or search anything. In terms of SEO, keywords are the words that describe the content on your blog post for organic or paid results.

You can use some tools to find keywords related to your topic. These tools may include Google Keyword Planner, SAMrush or Ahrefs etc. to find keywords that have low competition and more searches. Long tail keywords are long sentences and specific phrases can be easily ranked on search engines. For example, you might use “Freelancing in Pakistan in 2024” instead of “Freelancing”.

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Write high-quality content

Make an engaging and attractive blog post

Your blog post should be strong enough to provide value to the readers. Your content should be good enough to compel people to read. Your content should contain enough information that the reader does not have to go anywhere else. This proves beneficial for SEO friendly blog posts.

Make sure your content is more interesting and easier to read for the audience.

Don’t copy content from other sources because original content is crucial for SEO.

Write the post in an order

A well-organized post proved beneficial for both readers and search engines. Use headings in your content like h1, h2…. etc. use h1 for the main heading that is the title of your blog and h2 for subheadings and so on. heading usage in your blog will be helpful in dividing your content into sections.

 Enhance on-page elements

Write an attractive title and meta description

When you search anything on the search engines the first thing that shows on the page is title and then meta description. So you should make it catchy and include the main keywords in it. A meta description is a summary of the entire content that appears after the title.

A good meta description not only helps your content rank but also increases the click-through rate of your blog.

Use headings and subheadings

Using heading and subheadings in content gives a blog a unique look that benefits both readers and search engines.

You should also use internal and external links in your blog post.

  Upgrade your content and connect with your audience

Upload your content on social media platforms like facebook, twitter, Instagram etc so that people are aware of your work and generate more traffic.

When you respond to people’s comments about where people are having problems and when people stick around your blog post for longer, search engines are more likely to rank your blog faster.

 Improve user experience for SEO friendly blog post

Page load speed is very important for both readers and SEO. When your blog post takes time to load, it is quite possible that most people will already leave the page. So you should improve the page loading speed. And you should make your site mobile-friendly. Its look on mobile should be such that the reader can easily understand it.


Writing SEO friendly content is not a very difficult or big task. When you identify your audience’s interests, do good keyword research, write high-quality content, organize things on your page well, improve connections with people, and promote your content on social media. By uploading and monitoring your performance, search engines like Google will rank your site faster and increase your traffic. Remember that your goal should only be to get people to benefit from your content and for search engines to give it more credibility. If you follow these steps well, hopefully your content will rank faster and attract more people.


         Q1. Why is SEO essential for my blog post?

            Ans: SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. It is a key to rank higher on search engines like google so more people can find and read your blog post.

          Q2. Can I write an SEO friendly blog post even if I’m a new blogger?

              Ans: absolutely! Anyone can learn to write these types of blogs. Simply follow the tips like using the right keywords for blog, writing a catchy title  and description and make sure your blog post is easy read and according to user interest.

          Q3. How long will it take to get the results of such a blog post?

             Ans: Every work takes some time to get results like this blog post may take months to get results but it is important that you have to be patient for the best results. It is just like sowing a seed, a small seed grows into a big tree. But you have to continue your hard work.

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